If you thought you’d seen the last of Eric Northman when True Blood ended its run 2014, you would be mistaken. Alexander Skarsgård just showed up in the most recent episode of FX’s What We Do In The Shadows, “Come Out and Play”, and while the episode never actually refers to Skarsgård’s character by the name Eric Northman — likely for issues of copyright with True Blood having been an HBO series and this series being on FX — he sure does look like it, dressed all in black, down to a leather coat that looks a lot like the Sheriff’s True Blood look.
For context, in the episode, gathered by Baron (Doug Jones), the New York vampires are present while Baron attempts to reassert control and following a speech, asks the group if there are any questions. The first person to do raise their hand gets their head crushed and Skarsgård’s vampire, who had raised his hand as well, drops it completely. When asked if he had a question, the very freaked out vampire says it’s been answered.
Skarsgård appears to have had a little bit of fun with his appearance on What We Do in the Shadows as well. In a statement, the actor joked that he has “no recollection of shooting this episode” and blamed Matt Berry’s Dr. Laszlo Cravensworth for it.
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“I’m afraid I have no recollection of shooting this episode, as Dr. Laszlo Cravensworth apparently hypnotized me at the wrap party,” Skarsgård said in a statement (via The Wrap). “But I did wake up with an intense physical attraction to Dr. Cravensworth and found his extraordinary wit, charm, and intelligence absolutely disarming. I have since started a. YouTube fan page for him. It’s called ‘Because you’re Cravens-worth it.’ Please like, follow, and subscribe.”

Skarsgård portrayed Eric Northman, the Vampire Sheriff of Area 5 of Louisiana, including the town of Bon Temps on True Blood. The character was a major one for all seven seasons of the series and was last seen in the series finale, “Thank. You”, where he was last seen sitting on his throne on stage at his club, Fangtasia.
The actor’s brief appearance on What We Do in the Shadows is just the latest appearance from the cast of True Blood. Evan Rachel Wood previously appeared — she played Sophie-Anne Leclerq, the Vampire Queen of Louisiana in Season 2 of the HBO series — and there have been several other actors who have played vampires in film and on television who have appeared as well. Blade’s Wesley Snipes even appeared in an episode, albeit via Skype. The appearances, Skarsgård’s included, continue the series’ six-season history of having interesting guest stars. With the series in its final season — and with just two more episodes remaining — it will be interesting to see what other former vampire actors and guest stars will still appear.
What We Do in the Shadows airs Mondays on FX. The series finale is set for December 16th. As for True Blood, the full series is streaming on Max.
The post True Blood Star Reprises Their Iconic Role in New What We Do in the Shadows appeared first on ComicBook.com.